General conditions
1. Dugardyn & Partners is a cost sharing association created in Belgium by its partners for the rendering of legal services represented by each its partners.
2. These general conditions are for the benefit of Dugardyn & Partners, as well as its partners, all other persons working for or in association with Dugardyn & Partners, all persons engaged by Dugardyn & Partners, and any other persons for whom Dugardyn & Partners may be held liable.
3. Dugardyn & Partners 's liability shall in any event be limited to the amount of coverage under our professional insurance policy. The Professional Insurance Liability is insured with Ethias in Belgium.
4. In acting upon instructions, Dugardyn & Partners may call upon (and is responsible for) its lawyers and employees and, where appropriate, may engage the services of third parties. Dugardyn & Partners is not liable for any third parties unless otherwise provided. Each of the partners can only be held liable for its own legal services and of the lawyers assisting the partner and can not be held liable for the legal services rendered by other partners.
5. Our statements are due and payable upon receipt and shall be considered past due if not paid within 30 days from the date appearing on the invoice. Due to the increased bookkeeping and financing costs caused by late payment, all past due balances shall be subject to an annual service charge of six (6) per cent.
6. In as far as the services are rendered to Belgian clients, our services are VAT exempt. For others clients, including clients situated in the E.U. services are assumed to be rendered in the registered office of such client and are subject to the VAT laws applicable in such country (Directive 2008/8/EC of the Council of 12 February 2008 amending Directive 2006/112/EC).
7. Dugardyn & Partners is obliged to comply with the provisions of the 1993 Anti-money Laundering Act (the "Act") which aims to prevent the use of the financial system for money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Clients must promptly submit any and all information requested by Dugardyn & Partners in order to comply with the Act. In the event Dugardyn & Partners learns of a transaction which it suspects is connected with money laundering or the financing of terrorism, we are obliged to inform the president of the bar association. In certain cases, the president of the bar association may transfer this information to the Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (Cellule de Traitement des Informations Financières/Cel voor Financiële Informatieverwerking).
8. The legal relationship to which these general conditions apply shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Belgian law. All disputes arising out of this relationship shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Brussels Court of First Instance. Notwithstanding the above, Dugardyn & Partners reserves the right to commence proceedings in any competent court in the client's jurisdiction.